Speaking at a gas station on April 25 Barack Obama stated "The candidates with the
Obama asked "So what have we got to show for all that experience?” his answer was "Gas that's approaching $4 a gallon. He then stated “This country didn't raise fuel efficiency standards for over 30 years."
Obama stated because of the do nothing attitude consumers are suffering. He is right that we the American public are suffering, but, the real truth is we are being gouged by the Big 5 oil companies and the day traders hedging their bets on the oil market.
Day traders may be the real problem with the price we must pay at the pump today. They are driven by greed just as the big 5 oil companies.
Obama also stated soaring gas prices are the latest manifestation of a
"In the end, we'll only ease the burden of gas prices on our families when people all across
I have been saying “Enough is Enough” in my blog posts all along. Glad to see someone else is at least feeling the same way. However, last time I checked his title it said US Senator. Does that also mean we are just hearing more rhetoric from a public official running for office?
At least one very public official dares to say something about our prices at the pump. Wouldn’t it be great if one person could bring about change? Well one person can not do it alone. One person can, however, get others to join the cause and get this great nation off their proverbial butts. I say “treat oil and fuel as they should be treated, a utility the entire country is dependent upon”.
Please help me help you and “Vote to Regulate Gas Prices”
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